
The Riesling occupies the largest part of the Sonberk's vineyards. We have it in various positions, and together it is 13.5 hectares, so we collect its grapes for a few days. That's why (among others) is it such a good wine, which got 95 and 90 points from this year's Decanter. The right Sonberk's Riesling is an oenological cuvée - it is created by mixing almost finished wines from various collections while finding the right ratio is an alchemical work, for which you will not find any recipe anywhere in Sonberk.

But thanks to this art of creating, you can rely on our Riesling. If you take different vintages, you will still know that it is precisely this wine with maximally 4 grams of sugar. And at the same time, it will always reflect a specific year with its nuances, which will be remembered, for example, in the amount of acids.

There are up to fifteen individual "collections" of Riesling grapes every year. Our winemaker selects several of them, which he mixes to the best ratio according to his taste. The year 2018 is thus a combination of four collections and its successor, a year younger, is even six. But that's not the end of the process.

"Then we taste this pre-selection together with our Dáša and David. They perceive the wine more from the customer's point of view. I perceive it more from the technological point of view, so that it has everything it should, and we are looking for the best possible result," says Olda.

Sometimes they find congruence quickly. Other times it takes a bit. Every year, however, Riesling is out last bottled wine. It's happening in July or August, and then the wine goes for the evaluation of the classification committee, where we regularly apply for the VOC label (Wines of original certification). And we get it regularly. It means that the Sonberk's Riesling has long been one of the wines that perfectly characterize the Mikulov region.

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