
Pálava 2017 VOC was appreciated in Texas

Yes, the United States is probably not the first country that comes on your mind when it comes to the wine making bussiness. Still, they understand wine and you can find places where they’re producing wine in a very good quality. One of these is the Texas area near Austin. Recently, Texas International Wine Competetion 2019 was held there, with the largest American experts and leading local enologists in the jury. And to our great joy came a great compliment for our still very new Pálava. Palava 2017 VOC was awarded the double gold rating and was one of the top six Czech wines, out of more than 90 samples from the Czech Republic.

"Over the years of Sonberk's existence, Pálava has become our favorite wine, it's next to our Riesling our quality barometer, so we're always a little nervous about putting on the competitions, even though we know it's keeping its quality. Success in Austin means we can relax and lovers of Pálava have a great wine to look forward to, "is our marketing director, Dáša Fialová, delighted.

By the way, the first great opportunity to taste this wine will be on the weekend of March 30 and 31, when we will open the season at Sonberk. The Riesling 2017 VOC and cuvée Chardonnay & Pinot Gris 2016 which will also be available by the glass, which also received positive reactions and gold medals in Texas. We are also thrilled with the fact that they succeeded in building on the excellent results of their previous years.

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